June Members’ Monthly Meeting is Cancelled Our Members’ Meeting for the 11 June is cancelled as restrictions have been extended for a further two weeks. We sincerely hope that we shall be able to meet on 9th July.                  

Members’ Monthly Meeting On the second Wednesday of the month – Our regular Members’ Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month from 7 pm to 9 pm in the North Wing on the 9th Floor, St James’ Settlement, No. 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai.The talk commences at…

11 June 2020

June Members’ Monthly Meeting – New venue!  Our Members’ Meeting at 7:00-9:00PM on Thursday 11 June is planned to be held at Power A Space, 4/F, Tung Hip Commercial Building, 244-248 Des Voeux Road Central, Central. Our speaker is Martin Li, of the Geological Society of Hong Kong, who will…

四月份會員聚會取消 鑑於政府應付新型冠狀病毒疫情的措施,聖雅各福群會會址將繼續關閉,本會的四月份會員聚會被迫取消。按照推斷,會址將有可能於 4 月 20 日後重開。如果一切回復正常,將會邀請本會會員 Luis Martins 介紹在北歐法羅群島採集沸石標本。  

Wednesday 11 March 2020

March Members’ Monthly Meeting Cancelled Our Members’ Meeting for March 2020 has had to be cancelled following notification from management at St James’ Settlement that the facility remains closed due to the Covid-19 infection. We regret this cancellation very much but need to be understanding of the need to be…

May Members’ Monthly Meeting is Cancelled Our Members’ Meeting for the 13 May is cancelled as St James’ Settlement remains closed for functions and group activities. We sincerely hope that we shall be able to meet on 10th June.