13 December 2018

December Members’ Monthly Meeting 13 December 2018 (Thursday) – External & Internal World of Crystal Twinning Speaker : Dr. Edward Liu Shang I Language : English/Cantonese Edward shall be speaking about the fascinating subject of the feature when two separate crystals share some of the same lattice points in a…

2018/12 – Chenzhou Field Trip

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8 November 2018

November Members’ Monthly Meeting 8 November 2018 (Thursday) – Mineral Collecting in Cornwall Speaker : Mr. Jolyon Ralph Language : English Jolyon needs very little introduction to our members. As the founder of the fabulous source of information relating to minerals, Mindat.org, Jolyon travels the world extensively adding to his…

11 October 2018

October Members’ Monthly Meeting 11 October 2018 (Thursday) – An introduction to Sensitive and Unstable minerals Speaker:Mr. S.K. Lai Language:English & CantoneseRocks and minerals looks robust and eternal, but in fact most of them will react with the enviroment and be altered or damaged.  Some specimens may need special attention.  In this talk,…

13 September 2018

September Members’Monthly Meeting 13 September 2018 (Thursday) – Investigating Taiwan Nephrite Speaker:Mr. Chan Chi Keung Language:Cantonese with some English Mr. Chan will deliver a talke about Taiwan Nephrite. He recently reached Taiwan Hualien city to visit the nephrite mine and collect specimens in there. He will share his research results…

9 August 2018

August Members’Monthly Meeting 9 August 2018 (Thursday) – Ethiopia Speaker:Prof. Vincent Wong Language:English with some Cantonese Vincent, an anthropologist and logistics professional, will deliver an account of his recent visit to Ethiopia. These presentations by Vincent are always entertaining and full of detail so be sure to mark down the…