8 January 2020

Regular Members’ Monthly Meeting 8 January 2020 (Wednesday) – Collecting Minerals Speaker:Sam Yung Leung Yuen Language:Cantonese Sam will speak about collecting and his experiences over a lifelong interest in mineralogy. This interest led to the formation of The Mineralogy Society of Hong Kong in 2004 together with Anthea Strickland. Sam…

12 December 2019

Regular Members’ Monthly Meeting 12 December 2019 (Thursday) – All About Diamonds Speaker: Prof. Vincent Wong Language: English Vincent has prepared a presentation and talk about diamonds for us. This follows the talks by Dr Petra Bach on the origins of minerals and on Meteorites by Vincent. Members, geologists and…

21 December 2018

Christmas Drinks Party 21 December 2018 (Saturday) – John and Anthea Strickland invite all the members of the Mineralogy Society to a Christmas Drinks Party from 7 pm to 10 pm at Alpine Court, Kotewall Road, Hong Kong. Come along to join a rooftop party to celebrate and bring all…

21-22 November 2020

14th Hong Kong Mineral Fair The Wonderful World of Minerals Postponed to 21 –22 November 2020 (Sat-Sun) – The ANNEX is conveniently situated in the heart of Central, with easy access by MTR and other public transport. There will be minerals, fossils, books and equipment for sale, and some beautiful…

14 November 2019

Regular Members’ Monthly Meeting 14 November 2019 (Thursday) – The Geology and Culture of Papua New Guinea Speaker : Michael Tracy Language : English Michael has recently returned from an assignment in Papua New Guinea and we are pleased to have him back attending meetings and activities. Michael will speak…

10 October 2019

***CANCELLED*** Due to the current uncertain situation, we have cancelled the October member’s meeting.We apologise for any inconvenience.  Regular Members’ Monthly Meeting 10 October 2019 (Thursday) – Mineral Collecting Speaker: Sam Yung Language: Cantonese Sam is one of the most experienced and active mineral collector in Hong Kong. With many…